Sunday, 24 March 2013

Like Or Dislike - 'Like Crazy'

Like Crazy (2011)
Like Crazy is a film about first love and long distances, which  quite deservingly won best picture at the Sundance Film Festival. I'm not quite sure I agree with New York Magazine that it's "The most infectious love story in decades" (I'd give that title to Titanic- guilty pleasure), but it's not terrible. However, I can't help but think that its moderate success is solely because of the  on screen connection between Anton Yelchin and Felicity
Jones, and not the story line, which if you strip to the bone is pretty boring.
O.K, so I admit that the only reason I bought the film was because Jennifer Lawrence was in it and she's incredible, but given that she was only in approximately 30 minutes of the film, I didn't find my self waiting for her to come on screen again, which must be a good thing!
I normally find I like films which aren't terribly dramatic, and what's great about this film is that it is hard to decipher between the beginning (introducing the characters and the plot), the middle (in a generic chick flick, this is where something will go wrong - " oh no, he cheated on me -my world is over!!") and the end (everything ends up fine and dandy). This is because the plot (which there isn't much of ) is very happy-sad-happy-sad.
Overall I'm not in a massive hurry to see it again, but one thing I'll say is that the acting credits are surprisingly good for an, as-of-yet, not very well known directer, Drake Doremus. For instance: Alex Kingston, Jennifer Lawrence, Oliver Muirhead, Felicity Jones and Antony Yelchin.
It was a good film don't get me wrong, but I found it hard to feel emotion for the characters, and when it ended I just went and got on without pointlessly watching the credits and thinking about whether we loved or hated it (we all do it!) I can't say I've ever been in love, so maybe that is why I am unable to connect to it and I can't appreciate the desired effect it should have had, but to me the film just seemed a bit Oscar hungry.
It was just good.
Favourite Quote: "Because it's the halves that halve you in half. I didn't know, don't know, about the in-between bits; the gory bits of you, and the gory bits of me."

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