Friday 29 March 2013

O Danny Boyle

Director - Danny Boyle
"I'm not really the guy to make [huge movies]. I like making a slightly smaller movie and trying to make it look like 100 million dollars."
I Love this quote. I don't know why. It kind of inspires me to go out and make a 'blairwitch' style film (but hopefully a lot better) and become massive and successful - she says with great ease. Another Quote of his I loved from 'The Jonathan Ross show' (23/03/13) was this;
"As a film maker you've got to arrive at the secrets a mili-second before the audience... If they arrive before you you'll fail." 
This is what makes him such a brilliant director; and it's True!! Think about the amount of times you've watched a film and thought 'oh I bet this or that happens'. I use this to explain why I really don't like a lot of generic chick flicks. They'll get the guy in the end. How is it entertaining when you know what's going to happen. It hardly takes a genius. It's no inception. (But saying this, I love Bridget Jones.. a lot. Mainly because it's hilarious though).
If you're British and you're reading this thinking 'damn I know this guy, but where from?!'. Well, he has directed numerous great, low-budget, yet successful films, such as Slumdog Millionairre, Trainspotting, 28 days Later, 127 hours and most recently Trance with James McAvoy (Yum.)
But you'll definitely have seen him on and off the Television this past year; he directed the hugely successful - yet kind of confusing for people who don't know British History - Olympic Opening Ceremony. I LOVED it. I watched it on holiday in Austria and it made me feel so patriotic and me and my family started screaming the national anthem (we're not a massively patriotic family, but we are strange and wanted the Austrian neighbours to hear). Thinking about it, the Olympic ceremony is kind of contradictory to his statement above as it probably cost more than 100 million dollars!!
Anyway, this was a random blog, but I love Danny Boyle's work and I'm going to watch more of his films!!
Let me Know if you want me to blog more about Actors and Directors as well as films!
What was your favourite part of the Opening Ceremony? (I'm a bit behind schedule).

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